
Helping People to Have
an Easy and Quick order

Project overview

The Product

I've chosen to develop a food delivery app because it's widely used by many people. I can gather insights for this app by conducting research among people in my network, ensuring it meets their needs perfectly. My target users include married individuals, as well as single people who live with their parents or alone.



My role

Sole Designer


Research . User-centric Design . Unmoderated Usability Test

The Problem

How might we make it easier for people to enjoy ordering food online?

The problem I aim to solve revolves around the challenges my users face, such as delivery time, quality of foods, and variety of options.

The Goal

The goal of the project is to solve the problems and create a user-friendly experience that allows users to easily order food and enjoy their meals.

User research


I began the research phase by conducting interviews. My target users are aged between 17 to 30, living in different parts of town with their partners, parents, or alone. They are individuals who order food from restaurants at least once a week. I included participants of different genders, occupations, and culinary preferences.

The assumptions I had before the research changed once I conducted it. My initial concerns about the delivery app were delivery time, quality of food, and the range of addresses accepted. While some of these concerns aligned with those of my users, there were other issues as well. For instance, users also desired a variety of food options, including healthy and fast food choices. Additionally, they wanted the option to order smaller portions of different types of food to try out different flavors without committing to a large meal.

Pain Points & Solutions

Extended delivery time

Limited variety of foods

High-quality food

Extra pay for delivery

Personas// Problem statement

Meet Afshin

Problem statement: Afshin, a full-time employee with long working hours, who needs order healthy food 3 times a week because he cares for his body and lifestyle.












“ My wife and I prefer to spend time together after work and choose for ordering healthy food instead of cooking.” 



  • Saving time and dedicate it to spending quality moments with each other.

  • Having healthy food options and dishes like kebabs that they cannot easily prepare at home.



  • Delivery distance that some restaurants do not cover their home area

  • find it frustrating when the severs of these apps do not function properly.

Afshin, who works long hours as a CTO at his office, and his wife, who also has a busy day at work, often feel tired when they return home. With limited time and energy, they prioritize spending quality time together over cooking. Their income allows them to order food two or three times a week. They prioritize healthy eating over fast food due to their frequent ordering habits, valuing a healthy lifestyle.

Meet Tannaz

Problem statement: Tannaz is an architecture who desires order different  foods like pizza because she lives with her parents and eat home-cooked meals everyday and feels tired of the same routine.











“ I really enjoy pizza and like to order it occasionally for some fun. Quality is important to me when it comes to enjoying my pizza.” 



  • To enjoy with a delicious food like pizza.

  • Eat a different and variant food for fun after routine days.



  • The portion sizes of food are too much for her, and she enjoys sharing with someone else to try a variety of different foods

  • Sometimes, I order food and find that the quality is not as good as expected, leading to a disappointing experience.

Tannaz, an architect who works remotely from home and resides with her parents, typically has home-cooked meals for every meal of the week. However, she has a penchant for pizza and fast food. During times when she feels tired and seeks entertainment, she indulges in ordering food. Quality is crucial to her when ordering, and she enjoys tasting different foods, albeit in smaller portions since she can't consume large quantities of food alone.

User journey map

Persona: Afshin

Goal: Order healthy food over the restaurant and spend more time instead of cooking.


Task list

Feeling Adjective

Improvment opportunities

Find restaurant address

Choose food

Order meal

Complete order

Pick up order

A. open google map

B. search open

C. look at reviews

D. select a restaurant

A. look for menu
B. choose type of

C. scroll for
information of

A. find phone
number and

B. make order

A. find fastest rout

B. find a parking spot

C. go to restaurant

D. payment to cashier

A. check items

B. pick up order

C. go home

  • Tired for choosing restaurant

  • Certain for quality because of restaurant rate

  • Confused about finding menu and information

  • hungry

  • Stress about remember order

  • Happy for delicious selection

  • Sad  about time

  • Tired of traffic

  • Impressed by how quickly the order is prepared

  • Relieved that order is ready

  • Excited for go home and have a delicious food with his wife

  • Anxious that foods maybe get cold

  • Create a dedicated mobile app for restaurant

  • Create an advanced delivery app with search menu and filters

  • Create an app that offers order status update

  • Create an app with delivery status update

  • Creat an app include a reward program and delivery package

Persona: Tannaz

Goal: Go to restaurant and order a delicious food with friends to fun and enjoy.


Task list

Feeling Adjective

Improvment opportunities

Go to restaurant

Choose meal


Wait for order completion

Pick up order

A. find a place to seat

B. look for menu

A. look at menu and
choose 2 meal to
share with others

A. find order place

B.  wait in line

C. make order

D. pay to cashier

A. chatting with friends during waiting to order ready

A. receive orders

B. check items

C. enjoy the food

  • Sad that not finding good place to seat because of crowded time

  • Disappointed that not having half meal to choose

  • Happy for delicious selection

  • Annoyed about waiting in line

  • Irritated about noises in place

  • Impressed by how quickly the order is prepared

  • Relieved that order is ready

  • Excited for enjoy the food

  • Create an delivery app with half-meal feature

  • Offer a way to order from tables using an app

  • Create an advanced delivery app


Scenario: Ordering healthy food quickly and easily via delivery.

Paper wireframe

Taking the time to draft multiple iterations of each screen of the app on paper ensured that all  elements that would be in app well-placed to address user pain points. For the home screen, I prioritised a quick and easy ordering process to help users save time.

Digital wireframe

As the initial design phase continued, I made sure to base screen designs on feedback and findings from  the user research.

This button at the top of the home screen makes it fast and easy for users to order.

This button at the top of the home screen makes it fast and easy for users to order.

I try to build a simple checkout flow for users to don’t getting confuse and made their process easier.

In this page we tried to get complete information that users need to deliver their meal.

In this button user could choose their desire time to deliver their meal.



Using the completed set of digital wireframes, I created a low-fidelity prototype. The primary user flow I connected was ordering a meal via fast delivery feature, so the prototype could be used in a usability study.

Usability studies

Study Details

Research Questions

  • How long does it take a user to find and order a meal in the app?

  • What can we learn from the user flow, or the steps that users take, to Order a meal?

  • Are there parts of the user flow where users get stuck?

  • Do users think this feature is helpful and/or useful?

  • Do users think the app is easy or difficult to use?


  • 5 participants

  • Participants are people who order twice a month or once a week who have a full-time job or order meals for fun. This could be for family, single or married people.


  • 5 -10  minutes

  • Iran,  remote

  • Unmoderated usability study

  • Participants complete the ordering tasks on their own.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Time on task

  • user error rates

  • conversion rates


  • People want customisation options

  • 3 out of 5 total participants said they wanted to have a filter feature in the app to customise their searches for meals.

  • People want more clearesity about features

  • 3 out of 5 total participants said they didn’t understand what to do first on the checkout page.

  • 3 out of 5 total participants mentioned that they would like more clarity about basket page.

  • People want Images of items

  • 4 out of 5 total participants said they wanted images or more descriptive text about this difference between features.

"The app's problem is that I cannot choose between different types of foods."

Ghazale Mohtasham

Tehran, Iran

"It would be better to include some pictures to help understand what the foods are."


Tehran, Iran

"I don't understand the purpose of the next button in this step. If it's not functioning properly, would it be better to replace it with a pay key? Or is it intended for future use?"

Afshin Rudgar

Tehran, Iran


The usability study revealed frustration with the checkout flow. to streamline this flow, I consolidated the “add to basket” page with “basket screen” and that is considered to be another way for users to choose meal.

Before usability study

After usability study

first designs didn’t have any customization, but after the usability studies, I added additional options to choose type of food, I also revised the design so users could use filter and search option too.

Before usability study

After usability study




The final high-fidelity prototype presented user flows for ordering a meal from fast delivery option and simple checkout. It also met user needs for a more customization.

view high-fidelity prototype here


Accessibility consideration




Provided access
to users who are vision impaired through adding alt text to images for screen readers.

Used icons to
help make
navigation easier.

Used detailed
imagery for foods
help all users
better understand
the designs.

Going forward



The app makes users really thinks about how to meet their needs.

What I leared:

While designing the app, I learned that how important user is and their needs shape my ideas to design the app. 

One quote from users feedback:

"I always have a problem with delivery time and this feature is really good for reach sooner for any food that I want."

Next steps


Conduct more user research to determine any new areas of need and edge cases.


Conduct another round of usability studies to validate whether the pain points users experienced have been effectively addressed.


Complete the entire user flow.

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